Due to the Wayside Tavern being in an extremely remote location, Mine Host requests all job applicants include in their application a photograph of their "hospitality face".
In evidence that a goodly portion of the population is incredibly stupid, this request is more often than not assumed to mean that Mine Host is hiring based upon looks, rather than upon merit.
A near daily event is a snarky no-correspondence-will-be-entered-in-to email from yet another job site, closing Mine Host's job ad.
These your-advertisement-is-deleted emails all say the same thing:
"Your advertisement breached our guidelines for posting ads,"
"Your ad asked job seekers for a photograph, this is illegal/inappropriate/whatever."
No it isn't. There is no law preventing an employer asking for a photograph through a job ad. (A couple of the stupider Human Rights Commissions in some states publish "guidelines" saying that employers "should not" ask for a photograph)
However, there is no law against it.
Nor is asking for a photograph prohibited by the terms and conditions of most job websites. (Mine Host has become adept at reading those "terms & conditions")
This does not prevent moronic 22-year old web administrators with no-life-experience from closing down Mine Host's advertisements, regardless of how carefully worded the request is.
Words have meanings. The phrase "hospitality face" means just that. It is not another way of saying "only beautiful people need apply"
An extremely handsome or attractive person may have the most inhospitable of faces.
Below this are some photos of people who may not be considered the most attractive, but who all are showing a fantastic "hospitality face"

Anyone notice the difference?
If you do, you're ahead of most people Mine Host speaks with. The concept seems to be too difficult for some to grasp.So continues life as a misunderstood employer in a land full of dimwits who, incredibly, are allowed to vote.