Just let us handle everything, even if you don't want us to, we'll still handle everything, hehe!
Or.... you could leave when requested.
Bonus points for guessing which of the 4 pictured above is Mine Host.
Some time back, a basic instinct for numbers told him (without counting) that road trains stopping out the front of the Wayside Cantina were sporting more than 62 tyres. (country boys will all have known this)
Confess now, who else knew there was more than 62 tyres on this road train without counting?
As an aside: The truckies of a certain country beat their chests over a comparitively schoolgirlie "18 wheels" (less than a quarter of a REAL truck). AND they drive on sealed roads. On top of that, they carry cattle in alumunium crates, which shows just HOW easy they have it over there. There is a very good reason one doesn't see aluminium cattle trucks in Oz.
People who relieve themselves in this manner are usually somewhat clandestine about it.
Last night however, was something never before seen by Mine Host.
The entrace to the Wayside Tavern has outside a 10m x 15m slab of concrete, bathed in spotlights, and covered by several surveillance cameras.
People often congregate here to drink & smoke. Some will sneak away to relieve themselves somewhat discreetly.
However never has anyone been known to remove all their clothing and have a leak in the open.
A young man did just this (stripped), relieved himself, dressed again and carried on drinking as if this was normal and acceptable, right in the middle of this open entrance area.
Incredibly both he and his comrades were perplexed at being immediately evicted.
They could not see what he had done to deserve it.
The bathroom is luxurious, with sufficient vacant floor space to set up a fairly good slot car track.
The room is spacious, with a cute oval shaped desk in the middle. The bed is wonderfully soft, however the careful observer will notice that (staff frostiness aside) the place is relegated to mere "clip-joint" status by the lack of a picture on the wall.
This means there is absolutely no hope of an RACQ 5-star rating.
PostScript: A question to sort the hobby farmers from actual Ringers:
What is it about the accoutrements of the ringer on the white horse which indicate he has done little if any scrub riding?